- In this book, the events of the Prophet’s life, from the day he (S) was born and even before that day for background information-until the day he (S) died, have been recorded.
- Beyond enumerating the events of the Prophet’s life, lessons and morals from those events have been drawn to point out the significance of an event and the wisdom behind the Prophet’s actions or deeds, the Islamic ruling that is derived from a particular incident, and the impact that a given event should have on our character or choice of deeds is indicated.
- From the Introduction
Male or female, adult or child, scholar or commoner, businessman or laborer – all Muslims need to study the biography of the Messenger of Allah. In fact, the fulfillment of many of our Islamic duties hinges upon our knowledge of the Prophet’s life. For example, every Muslim should love the Prophet (S) yet how can one love him without knowing him. - We were not alive when the Prophet (S) was preaching the message of Islam to the Quraish, so the only way we have left to become intimately acquainted with the Prophet (S) and consequently to love him, is to study his sayings and deeds, which give us partial glimpses of his life, or to study his biography, which fits the pieces of his life together, so that we can have an overall view of his ideal character. And how are we to follow the Prophet (S) if we do not know his sayings and deeds, or – which is more relevant to his biography – the context in which his sayings and deeds occurred. Thus we are all in dire need of acquainting ourselves with the life of the Prophet (S).
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