- Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners is the go-to guide for clear, precise explanations of all aspects of English grammar. As a beginning learner of English, you might find that grammar concepts can be confusing. To make progress with your English skills, you need guidance through tricky grammar areas. This book will help develop mastery.
- The more you practice, the more you become proficient in how you use English. Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners It will help increase your confidence in writing and communicating in English by helping you:
- Ed Swick is an experienced audio of numerous ESL programs, including Practice Makes Perfect: English Pronouns and Pronunciation, Practice Makes Perfect: English Problem Solver, and Writing Better English.Ed Swick is an experienced audio of numerous ESL programs, including Practice Makes Perfect: English Pronouns and Pronunciation, Practice Makes Perfect: English Problem Solver, and Writing Better English.
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