- I have written an ethnographical work with the help of this book!! And it has helped me develop so many new perspectives in studying not only Diaspora but also Gender, nation, white supremacy, capitalism, etc. I still use the theory by Avatar Brah for other works as well, such as in Geography.
- I totally recommend it to anyone who needs a guide on how to conduct diaspora studies, migrations or learn new perspectives of nation states & socities.
Before I found this book, I read stuff like Robin Cohen or William Safran – but they were no use, because their theories reminded me much of modern race theories -yikes! - But not Brah, she’s like very much transparent in her writing and asks the questions. I admit, it is not easy for beginners – you have to have some knowledge of basic stuff like Foucault or post structuralism, however, it is fun to read – I promise. I mean, I used her theoretical framework, which was published last century!, to understand current events! That’s pretty cool.
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