- The Little Gold Grammar Book is based on a simple but powerful observation: Individuals who develop outstanding grammar skills do so primarily by mastering a limited number of the most important grammar rules, which they use over and over again. What are these recurring rules?
- The answer to this question is the basis of this book. In addition to covering the basics of grammar, diction, and idioms, this book contains a 100-question grammar quiz, a collection of 50-plus word pairings (diction), a compilation of 200 idioms, and 30 multiple-choice problems to integrate key concepts. Special sections cover editing tips and punctuation, American English versus British English, and traditional writing versus digital writing.
- “A must-have for anyone wishing to improve her or his writing capabilities. Whether you’re interested in personal achievement, professional advancement, or educational attainment, I highly recommend this book as a permanent addition to your library.” —Dr. Donald C. Martin, PhD, college admissions expert and former Dean of Enrollment for the Teacher’s College at Columbia University
- This book — a winner at the USA Book News Best Book Awards and voted Educational Book of the Year by the BPAA — is suitable for high school, community college, or university students, as well as any individual wanting to improve his or her core essential grammar skills.
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