- Grammar! For many of us, the word triggers memories of finger- wagging schoolteachers, and of wrestling with the ambiguous and complicated rules of using formal language. In fact, most of the grammar “rules” you think you know are not really rules at all, which is why there is often debate over common grammar issues.
- In English Grammar Boot Camp, linguist and popular Great Courses professor Anne Curzan of the University of Michigan takes you on an enjoyable exploration of the essential aspects of English grammar.
- These 24 spirited and accessible lectures offer you a comprehensive core training—a linguistic “boot camp,” by which we mean a thorough immersion in all of the key elements of English grammar and usage, in their most immediate, practical application.
- The delightful and superbly insightful lectures of English Grammar Boot Camp offer you a unique opportunity to explore the linguistic riches of the English language, and to significantly deepen your mastery of grammar, usage, and style. This mastery will enable you to use English more competently and confidently in every context.
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